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Government renews campaign to promote careers in adult social care

Government renews campaign to promote careers in adult social care

The government has launched a new phase of its ‘Made with Care’ recruitment campaign to encourage people in England with the right skills to begin a career in adult social care.

Returning for a third year, the Made with Care campaign will involve advertising on video-on-demand services, radio and digital channels.

Running until the end of March 2024, the adverts – aiming to showcase adult social care roles and celebrate the emotional reward from working in the sector – will feature on ITVX, Sky Go, Channel 4, Spotify, Facebook and Instagram.

The Department of Health and Social Care is also calling for all care providers to list their vacancies on the Department of Work and Pensions’ ‘Find a Job’ portal.

Helen Whately, minister for care, said: ‘Our care system depends on dedicated care workers who make a difference to the lives of so many people in need of support. This campaign helps build that vital workforce.’

According to Oonagh Smyth, chief executive of Skills for Care, the figures from the organisation’s adult social care workforce data set showed that in 2022/23, the sector had around 152,000 vacancies on any given day.

‘We need to tell a really compelling story about how rewarding a career in social care can be,’ she said.

‘In particular, we need to try to attract more men and younger people, who are under-represented in the workforce.’

Earlier this year, Skills for Care data suggested the number of registered nurses working in the adult social care sector in England had grown slightly for the first time in a decade.

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