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Outgoing charity director recognised with national nursing award

Outgoing charity director recognised with national nursing award
Pauline Shaw with chief nurse for adult social care Professor Deborah Sturdy

The director of care at the Royal Star and Garter, Pauline Shaw, has received a national nursing award as she prepares to leave the charity after 22 years of service.

The outgoing director was awarded the Chief Nurse Adult Social Care Gold Award during a farewell gathering to mark her departure from the Royal Star and Garter, which provides care to veterans and their partners living with disability or dementia.

Ms Shaw joined the charity – which has homes in Solihull, Surbiton and High Wycombe – in April 2001. She oversaw the move from the charity’s historic Richmond home, and in 2018 received an OBE from Queen Elizabeth II for services to veterans.

She said: ‘It is such an honour to receive this award. I feel so fortunate to have had the opportunity to develop outstanding nursing and dementia care in the sector.’

Professor Deborah Sturdy, the chief nurse for adult social care for England, presented the award in person.

She said: ‘I am delighted to give Pauline the Chief Nurse Gold Award for her exceptional contribution to adult social care nursing.

‘Pauline has been a pioneer of practice development and dedication in the field. She has been an inspiring leader to many, not only at Royal Star and Garter, but across the sector.’

Ms Shaw, who qualified as a nurse in 1982, will leave Royal Star and Garter on 26 October, with Shirley Hall named as the charity’s new director of care and wellbeing.

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