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Retention programme extended into general practice

Retention programme extended into general practice

The NHS will extend its retention programme, currently for acute and community trusts, into general practice.

The move, outlined in the NHS interim workforce plan, has been made to reduce turnover rates.    

Work with primary care to extend the programme will begin by March 2020, alongside the introduction of incentives to support entry and return to practice nursing.  

The scheme has been implemented in nearly half of all trusts (110) so far and seen turnover rates reduce from 12.5% to 11.9% nationally. 

It will also be extended to all remaining trusts immediately, with a focus on supporting early years retention and reviewing best practice in preceptorship arrangements.    

The programme sees organisations supported over a 90-day period to develop a retention plan outlining how to improve turnover for the following 12 months. 

Key turnover data is provided by NHS Improvement to participating organisations, which are coupled with support from a clinical and workforce lead. 

Possible interventions include utilising insights from data, including exit interviews and staff focus groups, expanding preceptorship programmes and offering flexible working options. 

Organisations attend a launch event to learn about good practice and the programme. They are then offered an introductory call and a subsequent visit, alongside regular retention masterclasses and online support.  

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The NHS will extend its retention programme currently for acute and community trusts into general practice.