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QNI and RCN announce royal patrons

QNI and RCN announce royal patrons

His Majesty King Charles III and Her Majesty Queen Camilla have been confirmed as patrons of two of the UK’s largest nursing organisations.

The Royal College of Nursing (RCN) has announced that King Charles III has become its new patron, while the Queen’s Nursing Institute (QNI) has also confirmed that Queen Camilla has agreed to become the charity’s sixth royal patron.

Both organisations are among a number of those selected across the UK who have been granted patronage to mark the anniversary of the King’s Coronation.

The appointments follow the conclusion of the official review of patronages by the Royal Household over the past year.

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II had been a patron of both the RCN and QNI until she died in 2022.

Chair of council at the QNI, Professor John Unsworth said the Queen’s patronage of the charity ‘gives recognition to all nurses doing vital and demanding work in the community, in primary care and social care’.

He said the ‘history of the QNI is inextricably linked with the Royal Family and its origin in Queen Victoria’s Golden Jubilee’ and that this connection was ‘as significant today as it was then’.

Dr Crystal Oldman, chief executive of the QNI, added: ‘I am delighted that Her Majesty Queen Camilla has agreed to become Patron of the QNI, the charity that bears her title.

‘Queen’s Nurses in England, Wales and Northern Ireland will I’m sure be honoured and encouraged by this news.

‘We look forward to a warm and rewarding relationship with our new Patron who has shown herself as a passionate advocate for healthcare for people of all ages.’

Meanwhile, RCN general secretary and chief executive, Pat Cullen said she was thrilled that the college’s patronage would continue with the King, who as Prince of Wales ‘actively supported’ the RCN’s cadet scheme.

Ms Cullen said: ‘This is such fantastic news for our members and for the college.

‘We are deeply grateful to His Majesty for demonstrating his support and appreciation for the nursing profession by continuing our long connection with the royal family.

‘We look forward to working with His Majesty and with his support and backing, continue to elevate the voice of nursing.’

The RCN was first awarded royal patronage in 1926, just 10 years after the college was founded.

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