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Search Results for: My day

‘I don’t want to use topical steroids – they’ll damage my skin’

Topical steroids are the most frequency prescribed dermatology drugs and have been used to treat inflammatory skin conditions for 60 years. Yet many patients, parents, carers, and even some healthcare professionals express serious concern when topical steroids are advised.

Nurses could get 6.5% pay rise over three years in exchange for a day’s holiday

Nurses could get a pay rise of 6.5% over three years, but only if they give up one day of holiday in return.

The myths about district nursing are putting off young graduates

We must dispel the myths about district nursing that are putting young graduates off this great career path.

Why can’t we work like this everyday?

On my way home from work one evening this summer I came across a road traffic accident. A motorcyclist had been hit by a car and was clearly in some distress in the road.

Low carb diets are taking my patients off diabetes medication

Carbohydrates have been seen as an essential part of our diet for some time. Recently however, some research has challenged our thinking, and this has made some healthcare professionals a little uneasy.

Last day of nursing bursaries in England

Undergraduate nurse trainees will now have to take out student loans, on which repayments will start at 9% once they being to earn over £21,000 per year.

A day in the life of a health visitor

The variety is one of the nice things that I like about health visiting; it is never the same. Also, you get to build relationships with families and feel them grow.

Managing a medical mystery

Managing a medical mystery – how practice nurses can support patients with unexplained syndromes.

Jeremy Hunt reappointed as health secretary for third time

Jeremy Hunt has been reappointed as health secretary for a record third time in Theresa May’s cabinet reshuffle.

Eight nurses a day seek urgent financial help, RCN reveals

One in four of the nurses who received support grants worth approximately £450 were in full-time work.